Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happiies Saturday..

Today, morning,7.30 go eat breakfast wif family. after tht i go see our school held de jogathan event.. WaO~ Marcus Chua get 8th.. not bad marhs.. xD Jia you.. It a good result lor.
after tht i go inner wif HouYuh,Jason Kua and San Hua.. But so soi.. No place for us.. But our mood good.. we walk to jumbo.. AND~ Jackpot!!! == no place too.. So sienz.. But luckily awhile nia reach 12.00NN liaw.. I go watch Harry Potter and the half blood prince..SAma Dengan Alaric Asyraf..It quite nice.. But too much conversation.. UNBELIVEABLE! Snape is the half blood prince.. xD.. Curious abt the next Episode.. Harry Potter gonna REVENGE!!! WAlala.. XD..Anyways ty to Asyraf Chia me the ticket and the MAGIC BITE POP CORN..

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